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Swept Path Analysis

Following the release of The Department of Transport’s “Manual for Streets”, in 2007, no developer can afford to ignore the implications when producing a layout for a new site. Swept Path Analysis is proving to be extremely useful in the design of junctions, access roads, cul-de-sacs and car parks. Using a variety of vehicles, a path can be easily followed showing how vehicles (allowing for vehicle overhang) negotiate particular situations. It can also pinpoint if a particular layout will not work and what areas, if any, need to be redesigned. Invaluable information can be gained, thus avoiding costly and difficult alterations following planning. HEaDS are pleased to offer this service to clients as part of a design package or as a “one off” service.

swept path analysis
An example of a large refuse vehicle within a proposed residential development

Haywood Engineering and Design Services Ltd, 4 The Dale, Hathersage, Hope Valley, Derbyshire, S32 1EQ, Tel/Fax: 01433 650286
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